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Visiting Japan/ Receiving Medical Care

Steps for receiving medical care at the University of Tokyo Hospital

1 Contact a medical coordinator/ facilitator

If you are living in countries other than Japan and wish to receive care services in our hospital, you are basically required to appoint a medical coordinator/ facilitator, who is in charge of contacting and communicating with us prior to your visit to the hospital. You first need to select a coordinator from the Medical Travel Forum (MTF) Member List on the website of Medical Excellence Japan and inform that person of your intention to consult our hospital. You are also required to send us a referral and information on your health condition issued by the health care institution (in your country or Japan) you are currently attending.

2 Coordination within the University of Tokyo Hospital

Upon referral via a medical coordinator or facilitator, the International Medical Center will consult the relevant department/service for specific details of expected treatment strategy.

3 Presentation of an estimate of the expected medical expense and hospitalization period

If the relevant department is able to accept you as a patient, you will be informed of an estimation of the medical expense and hospitalization period.
If you have private health insurance, please contact the insurance company for confirmation on your responsibility. The hospital does not directly negotiate with private insurance companies.

4 Coordination of arrival dates

For those who accept to receive treatment based on the information exchanged above, arrival dates and/or hospitalization schedules will be coordinated.

5 Hospital visit and treatment




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