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Epilepsy Center

The Epilepsy Center aims to respond to the recent changes in the environment surrounding epilepsy medical care, to provide high-level epilepsy diagnosis and treatment by coordinating with a wide array of departments and sections.

Medical services

With the first examination of outpatients as the initial contact point, the center undertakes healthcare based on a crossover team that brings together physicians, nurses, clinical laboratory technicians, clinical radiologists, clinical psychotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, and pharmacists in all of the hospital’s sections and departments related to epilepsy care. It also collaborates with nearby medical institutions as needed.

Diagnosis and treatment policy

The center is committed to a comprehensive care for epilepsy, in order to provide the optimal treatment selected from all possible alternatives from medication to surgery, for epilepsy patients of all age groups from children to adults. For patients that are subject to surgery treatment, the center closely examines the diagnosis, surgery candidacy, and surgery method, in regularly held case review meetings.


All major examinations for epilepsy diagnosis can be carried out in our hospital. We provide any surgical procedures available in Japan for any age groups. The center has introduced vagus nerve stimulation for the first time in Japan, and continues to maintain one of the highest number of treatments in the country.

Target diseases

All patients from all age groups with symptoms of epilepsy or similar to epilepsy.

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