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The Department of Dermatology specializes in all diseases affecting the skin.

Medical services

In the outpatient clinic, six physicians provide medical care for new and follow-up patients. Specialized outpatient services are also provided. In the inpatient ward, supervising physicians and interns work in pairs as the attending physicians for one patient. The treatment for each patient is discussed among staff members during ward rounds. When appropriate, the attending physicians continue to observe the clinical course of patients after hospital discharge.

Diagnosis and treatment policy

After making a diagnosis based on visual inspection, bacterial and /or fungal culture tests and, if necessary, skin biopsies are conducted. If a diagnosis can be established histologically (and immunohistologically), various external and internal drug applications, ultraviolet therapy, and surgical treatments are used alone or in combination. If necessary, the patient is hospitalized for various examinations and treatment.


The outpatient clinic provides treatment in specialized therapeutic areas including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, scleroderma/connective tissue disease, bulluous disease, dermatologic surgery, lymphoma, laser surgery, etc.

Target diseases

Skin tumors, connective tissue disease, skin infection, nevus/phakomatosis, keratosis/ inflammatory keratosis (including psoriasis), eczema/dermatitis (including atopic dermatitis), physical/chemical injuries, intoxication dermatosis, erythema, etc.

Advanced treatments/ Specialized treatments

Systemic sclerosis

We provide medical care based on abundant experiecne. We are also developing new drugs for systemic sclerosis.


New drugs to target specific parts of the immune system, are used to treat psoriasis.

Laser irradiation

We treat diseases that are covered by national health insurance such as simple capillary malformations, infantile hemangiomas, capillary telangiectasia , Otanevus, ectopic Mongolian spot, and cafe-au-lait spot using pulse dye laser, Q-switched Alexandrite/Ruby laser, and Picosecond laser.

Frequently performed tests


Microscopy, dermatoscopy, patch test, biopsy, skin ultrasound examination


Light-exposure test, patch test, oral administration test, biopsy, skin ultrasound examination.

Shinichi Sato

Shinichi Sato




M.D. , Ph.D.



Research Interests

Scleroderma, B lymphocytes, Autoimmunity



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Major diseases treated in this department and numbers of in- and outpatients

Disease name Number of inpatients Number of outpatients
1 Malignant cutaneous tumors 183 311
2 Collagen disease 176 1,094
3 Cutaneous infection (including herpes zoster) 119 821
4 Benign cutaneous tumors 44 827
5 Nevus and phacomatosis 17 398
6 Keratosis and inflammatory keratosis (including psoriasis) 102 753
7 Eczema (including atopic dermatitis) 10 5,122
8 Physical and chemical injuries 5 14
9 Bullosis 19 92
10 Erythema 18 62


Areas of expertise, treatment and examination methods

  1. Psoriasis
  2. Collagen disease
  3. Cutaneous tumors, lymphoma
  4. Bullosis
  5. Atopic dermatitis
Treatment methods
  1. Biological agent
  2. Narrow-band UVB therapy
  3. Cyclophosphamide pulse therapy
  4. Massive administration of γ-globulin
  5. Pulsed dye laser therapy
Examination methods
  1. Dermatoscopy
  2. Dermal ultrasonography
  3. Skin immunofluorescence with antibodies

Numbers of major operations and treatments performed

Name of operation/treatment Number
1 Resection of benign cutaneous tumors 289
2 Skin biopsy 365
3 Pulsed dye laser irradiation 389
4 Q-switched alexandrite laser irradiation 275
5 Phototherapy (such as ultraviolet and infrared light and PUVA therapies) 440
6 Resection of malignant cutaneous tumors 88
7 Resection of benign cutaneous tumors with carbon dioxide laser 95
8 Chemotherapy for malignant cutaneous tumors 106
9 Inpatient treatment of burns (moderate) 5


Numbers of major and specialized examinations conducted in this department

Name of examination Number
1 Immunohistological examination 326
2 Photosensitivity assessment 10


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