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Hip Fracture Board

This board was established in 2018 and provides multidisciplinary approach for older inpatients with hip fractures, which used to be managed only by orthopedists.

Medical services and treatment policy

Because of increase in prevalence of both osteoporosis and falls along with the super-aged society, hip fractures became very common in older generations. Despite undergoing surgery, gait disturbance, exacerbation of comorbid conditions, or mental deterioration greatly affects the patients’ prognosis. Accordingly, urgent surgery, appropriate management of comorbidity, and consistent rehabilitation is essential for patients with hip fracture. Orthogeriatrics is less developed in Japan, thus hip fracture board, established in 2018, staffs orthopedist, geriatrician, emergency physician, rehabilitation doctor and therapist, nurses, psychiatrist, and MSW, and practices multidisciplinary team approach for these patients to enable better care which include geriatric assessment, delirium prevention and discharge planning. Also, proper management for osteoporosis is provided to prevent from recurrent fracture by cooperating with the Osteoporosis Center in the hospital.
The board will encourage creating strong relationship with hospitals with rehabilitation wards and support patients to live long in their home community.

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