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Cancer Center

Chemo(radiation)therapy of high quality and safety is conducted by the multidisciplinary team consisting of doctors and medical staffs such as pharmacists, nurses and nutritionists specialized for cancer care.

Medical services

Together with the attending physicians, team meeting is held every morning before administering the chemotherapy agents to discuss about the risks and problems in each patient. Medical staffs give the instruction and support about self-care, drug compliance and nutrition before discharge.

Treatment policy

Considering about the disease and condition of each patient, evidence-based chemo (radiation) therapy is conducted appropriately and safely with the multidisciplinary team approach.


Chemo (radiation) therapy, Supportive Care for side effects, Support for other unmet needs.

Target diseases

Gastrointestinal, thoracic and urinary malignancy including unresectable/ recurrent disease and resectable disease indicated for peri-operative adjuvant chemo (radiation) therapy.

Narikazu Boku

Narikazu Boku


Cancer Center


M.D., Ph.D.


Chemotherapy for Gastrointestinal Malignant disease, Supportive Care for Cancer Treatment

Research Interests

New drug development, Clinical trial, Translational Research


Japanese/ English

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