1. Mashiko T, Wu SH, Feng J, Kanayama K, Kinoshita K, Sunaga A, Narushima M, Yoshimura K. Mechanical Micronization of Lipoaspirates: Squeeze and Emulsification Techniques. Plast Reconstr Surg 139:79-90, 2017
2. Yano T, Okazaki M, Tanaka K, Tsunoda A, Aoyagi M, Kishimoto S. "Indication for and Limitation of the Facial Dismasking Flap Approach for Skull Base Surgery to Achieve the Best Esthetical and Functional Results" Annals of Plastic Surgery 78:49〜53, 2017
3. Maruyama Y,Inoue K, Mori K, Gorai K, Shimamoto R, Onitsuka T, Iguchi H, Okazaki M, Nakagawa M. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and plateletlymphocyte ratio as predictors of wound healing failure in head and neck reconstruction. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 137:106〜110, 2017
4. Kanayama K, Mineda K, Mashiko T, Wu SH, Feng J, Kinoshita K, Sunaga A, Yoshimura K. Blood Congestion Can Be Rescued by Hemodilution in a Random-Pattern Skin Flap. Plast Reconstr Surg 139:365-374, 2017
5. Song D, Pafitanis G, Pont LEP, Yang P, Koshima I, Zhang Y, Iida T, Zhou X, Li Z. Chimeric thoracoacromial artery perforator flap for one-staged reconstruction of complex pharyngoesophageal defects: A single unit experience. Head Neck 40:302-311, 2017
6. Usami S , Okazaki M. Fingertip reconstruction with a posterior interosseous artery perforator flap:a minimally invasive procedure for donor and recipient sites. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 70:166〜172, 2017
7. Tashiro K, Yamashita S. Superficial Circumflex Iliac Artery Perforator Flap for Dorsalis Pedis Reconstruction Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 20;5:e1308, 2017
8. Gorai K, Inoue K, Saegusa N, Shimamoto R, Takeishi M, Okazaki M, Nakagawa M. Prediction of Skin Necrosis after Mastectomy for Breast Cancer Using Indocyanine Green Angiography Imaging. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 21;e1321, 2017
9. Sunaga A, Kamochi H, Sarukawa S, Uda H, Sugawara Y, Asahi R, Chi D, Nakagawa S, Kanayama K, Yoshimura K. Reconstitution of Human Keloids in Mouse Skin. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 25;5:e1304, 2017
10. Feng J, Mineda K, Wu SH, Mashiko T, Doi K, Kuno S, Kinoshita K, Kanayama K, Asahi R, Sunaga A, Yoshimura K. An injectable non-cross-linked hyaluronic-acid gel containing therapeutic spheroids of human adipose-derived stem cells. Sci Rep 8;7:1548, 2017
11. Mashiko T, Oka A, Osawa E, Koshima I. A Deceptively Simple Solution for Refractory Melasma: Glycolic Acid Peels and Hydroquinone at Home. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 19;5:e1335, 2017
12. Ishiura R, Yamamoto T, Saito T, Mito D, Iida T. Comparison of Lymphovenous Shunt Methods in a Rat Model: Supermicrosurgical Lymphaticovenular Anastomosis versus Microsurgical Lymphaticovenous Implantation. Plast Reconstr Surg 139:1407-1413, 2017
13. Homma T, Okazaki M, Tanaka K, Uemura N. Simultaneous Surgical Treatment for Smile Dysfunction and Lagophthalmos Involving a Dual Latissimus Dorsi Flap. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 25;e1370, 2017
14. Namiki T, Nojima K, Hanafusa T, Mori H, Okazaki M, Miura K, Tanaka M, Yokozeki H. A case of basal cell carcinoma with a neighbouring melanocytic nevus: dermoscopic features. Eur J Dermatol 27:441-442, 2017
15. Yoshimatsu H, Yamamoto T, Hayashi N, Kato M, Iida T, Koshima I. Reconstruction of the ankle complex wound with a fabricated superficial circumflex iliac artery chimeric flap including the sartorius muscle: A case report. Microsurgery 37(5):421-425, 2017
16. Usami S, Okazaki M, Nitta T, Uemura N, Homma t, Akita K.Histological investigation of common insensate flaps obtained from the hand and foreaem regions for use in fingertip reconstruction. Journal of Plastic, Hand Surgery 51:182-186, 2017
17. Tomioka Y, Enomoto S, Gu J, Kaneko A, Saito I, Inoue Y, Woo T, Koshima I, Yoshimura K, Someya T, Sekino M. Multipoint Tissue Circulation Monitoring with a Flexible Optical Probe. Sci Rep 29;7:9643, 2017
18. Yoshimatsu H, Iida T, Hayashi A, Saito T. Free Lateral Digital Flap for Reconstruction of the Fingers.Ann Plast Sur 79:477-481, 2017
19. Kato M, Watanabe S, Kato R, Kawashima H, Iida T, Watanabe A. Spontaneous Regression of Lymphangiomas in a Single Center Over 34 Years. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 25;5:e1501, 2017
20. Tanaka K, Igari K, Kishino M, Usami S, Homma T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y, Okazaki M. The possibility of free tissue transfer as a nutrient flap for critical ischemic foot: A case report. Microsurgery 37:694-698, 2017
21. Iida T, Yoshimatsu H, Koshima I. Reconstruction of Anterolateral Thigh Defects Using Perforator-Based Propeller Flaps. Ann Plast Surg 79:385-389, 2017
22. Mashiko T, Wu SH, Feng J, Kanayama K, Yoshimura K. Reply: Mechanical Micronization of Lipoaspirates: Squeeze and Emulsification Techniques. Plast Reconstr Surg 140:509e-510e, 2017
23. Kobayashi H, Iida T, Yamamoto T, Ikegami M, Shinoda Y, Tanaka S, Kawano H. Lymphaticovenous Anastomoses for Lymphedema Complicated by Severe Lymphorrhea Following Resection of Soft-Tissue Sarcomas of the Adductor Compartment: A Report of Two Cases. JBJS Case Connect 7:e80, 2017
24. Tomioka YK, Uda H, Yoshimura K, Sunaga A, Kamochi H, Sugawara Y. Studying the blood pressures of antegrade and retrograde internal mammary vessels: Do theyreally work as recipient vessels? J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 70:1391-1396, 2017
25. Tashiro K, Yamashita S, Koshima I, Miyamoto S. Visualization of Accessory Lymphatic Pathways in Secondary Upper Extremity Lymphedema Using Indocyanine Green Lymphography. Ann Plast Surg 79:393-396, 2017
26. Karakawa R, Narushima M, Ogishima S, Hara H, Karino S, Iida T, Kakigi A, Koshima I. Free anterolateral thigh full-thickness skin flap with vascularized lateral femoral cutaneous nerve for the reconstruction of facial nerve and external auditory canal after the resection of facial nerve schwannoma. SAGE Open Med Case Rep 16;5:2050313X17741825, 2017
27. Yoshimatsu H, Steinbacher J, Meng S, Hamscha UM, Weninger WJ, Tinhofer IE, Yamamoto T, Iida T, Tzou CJ. Feasibility of Bone Perfusion Evaluation in Cadavers Using Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Angiography. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 20;5:e1570, 2017
28. Tashiro K, Yamashita S, Narushima M, Koshima I, Miyamoto S. Hemi-Intravascular Stenting for Supermicrosurgical Anastomosis. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 20;5:e1533, 2017
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7. 岡崎 睦. 遊離皮弁移植術(マイクロ手術)オペナーシング 形成外科の手術看護パーフェクトマニュアル. メディカ出版 10:155〜166,2017
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3. 岡崎 睦. 創傷治癒の原理.創傷治療の原理 外科系医師が知っておくべき創傷治療のすべて(分担) 南江堂 2017 17-28
4. 岡崎 睦. 腓腹神経 採取のための臨床解剖、採取のコツと採取部への対応 イラスト手術手技のコツ 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頚部外科(分担) 東京医学社 2017 559-562