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Hospital Statistics

Number of Staff (as of April 1, 2022)

Full-time staf
Teaching staff Medical technician Nurse Administrative staff Total
(Physician: 607)
(Other: 85)
412 1,336 307 2,747
Part-time staf
Physician Medical technician Nurse Administrative staff Total
1,082 20 22 402 1,526

Number of beds (as of April 1, 2023)

General beds Psychiatric beds Other Total
1,157 48 21 1,226

Average length of hospitalization (FY 2022)

General beds Psychiatric beds Total
11.2 33.2 11.5

Numbers of inpatients, outpatients, emergency patients, and patients undergoing medical examinations (FY 2022)

New patient Total number Daily average
27,428 327,537 897
New patient Total number Daily average
29,698 654,232 2,681
Emergency patient
Total number 12,316
Medical examination
Total number 4,097

Number of clinical laboratory tests (FY 2022)

General test 271,757
Hematologic test 1,180,677
Biochemical test 5,354,180
Endocrinological test 195,823
Immunological test 566,479
Microbiological test 121,494
Physiological function test 110,788
Blood/fluid collection, etc 223,213
Other 129,664
Total 8,154,075

Number of radiographic tests/radiotherapies, etc. (FY 2022)

X-ray (simple) 134,932
X-ray (contrast) 5,951
Angiography 3,470
CT scan 50,936
MRI 20,040
Nuclear medicine test (in vivo) 4,602
Bone mineral density 2,994
Radiotherapy 11,810
Treatment planning 1,566
Total 236,301

Number of deliveries (FY 2022)

Number of deliveries
Primiparity Parity Total
538 415 953
Fetal abnormalities (only delivered) 77
Incidental complications during delivery 436
Caesarean section 415
Forceps delivery 89
Anesthetized delivery by epidural block 343
Habitual miscarriage 50
Premature birth (Less than 37 weeks of gestation) 118

Number of organ transplants (FY 2022)

Living donor lung transplantation 2
Brain-dead donor lung transplantation 33
Brain-dead donor heart transplantation 21
Living donor liver transplantation 54
Brain-dead donor liver transplantation 18
Living donor kidney transplantation 6
Cadaveric kidney transplantation 3

Number of surgical procedures (FY 2022)

By age
Age Number of patients
Under 10 years of age 579
Between 10-19 373
Between 20-29 648
Between 30-39 1,026
Between 40-49 1,184
Between 50-59 1,626
Between 60-69 2,001
Between 70-79 2,707
Between 80-89 1,217
Between 90-99 99
100 years of age or older 0
Total 11,460
By specialty
Specialty Number of patients
Stomach and Esophageal Surgery 354
Colon and Rectal Surgery 487
Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 330
Vascular Surgery 208
Breast and Endocrine Surgery 260
Artificial Organ and Transplantation Surgery 141
Cardiovascular Surgery 399
Thoracic Surgery 343
Neurosurgery 404
Anesthesiology and Pain Relief Center 5
Urology and Andrology 1,152
Gynecologic Surgery 786
Dermatology 274
Ophthalmology 2,416
Orthopaedic Surgery and Spinal Surgery 1,332
Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 538
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 687
Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontics 271
Pediatric Surgery 247
Obstetrics and Gynecology 454
Neuropsychiatry 212
Cardiovascular Medicine 48
Gastroenterology 26
Nephrology and Endocrinology 83
Department of Cell Therapy and Transplantation Medicine 3
Total 11,460

Number of autopsies (FY 2022)

Classification Male Female Gender unknown Total
Number of death cases 212 119 0 331
Number of pathological autopsies 20 8 0 28
Number of consigned autopsies 2 2 1 5
Autopsy rate 8.5%

Amount of blood used for transfusion (FY 2022)

Whole blood Blood component Total
0 103,968 103,968

(unit: 200ml)

Number of clinical trials (FY 2022)

New clinical trial agreements 25
Number of clinical trials
Completed within fiscal FY2020 Number of registered subjects Number of participating subjects Implementation rate
28 233 149 63.9%

Number of prescriptions, etc. (FY 2022)

Number of prescriptions
Outpatient prescription (internal pharmacy) 30,259
Outpatient prescription (external pharmacies) 303,334
Inpatient prescription 233,796
Injection prescription 194,504
Total 761,893
Rate of prescription for external pharmacies 91%
Number of samples measured for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)
  Number of drugs measured (type)
  Number of samples (case)

Number of drug control guidance fee claims 24,027
Number of outpatient chemotherapy 19,940
Number of inpatient chemotherapy 12,053
Number of intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH) 4,529

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